
(Including 1.09g and 1.09h in these notes)

New Stuff

  • Arcade Mode
    • Added Disposal event to break room for selling artifacts
    • Shop Refresh now costs 1 Scrap, but increases each time it is used (reset each round)
    • Host can now set bot difficulty for this mode
  • Upgraded to Libgdx 1.12.1
    • This was done after fixing an issue caused by socket.io connection not closing properly when using the latest version
  • Added Borderless Fullscreen display option to settings
  • Added option to lock mouse to game window in settings
  • Toggleable inputs are now synced upon respawning
    • If the player is holding left while spawning, their newly spawned player will immediately begin moving to the left instead of needing to release and press the button again.
  • Tweaked weapon pickup timing; weapon spawns will refresh slower (10s -> 30s) if a weapon is already present, but are unchanged (10 seconds) if a weapon is not present.
  • Added death frag type for kills from cutting weapons


  • Ancient Synapse: Delayed Damage rate increased (15% -> 20% of delayed damage every second)
  • Clockwise Cage: Activation Cooldown decreased (2s -> 1.5s)
  • Crime Discouragement Stick: Explosion damage increased (28 -> 35). Explosion radius increased by 20%
  • Honeyed Tenebrae: Damage Resistance reduced (-80% -> -70%)
  • Horns of Ammon: No longer has damage threshold for activation. Now has 5 second cooldown on activation
  • Salt-Skull Marmalade: Hp Regeneration decreased (7 -> 6 per second). Bonus Screenshake increased (+60% -> +110%)


  • Bouncing Blade: Base Damage increased (42 -> 48)
  • Nebulizer: Projectile speed and range increased by ~10%
  • Torpedo Launcher: Reload time decreased (0.7s -> 0.6s)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed client connection crash caused by attempting to sync controller that hadn't been created yet
  • Fixed bot pathfinding causing game to not close properly upon x-ing out
  • Fixed player team alignment misbehavior in hub training room
  • Fixed arcade mode not ending properly


hadal-calm-macos-image.zip 196 MB
Version 52 May 25, 2024
hadal-calm-windows-image.zip 194 MB
Version 171 May 25, 2024
hadal-calm-linux-image.zip 199 MB
Version 170 May 25, 2024

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